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Başlık: Electrodeposited cobalt films: Alteration caused by the electrolyte pH
Yazarlar: Karaağaç, Öznur
Koçkar, Hakan
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Fizik Anabilim Dalı.
Alper, Mürsel
Anahtar kelimeler: Physics
Cobalt films
Crystal structure
Magnetic properties
Grain size
Thin films
Cobalt compounds
Coercive force
Crystal structure
Grain size and shape
Hysteresis loops
Magnetic materials
Saturation magnetization
X ray diffraction
Co clusters
Cobalt film
Easy axis
Electrodeposited cobalt
Face-centered cubic
Film planes
Grain size
Hexagonal close-packed
High coercivity
High pH
Mixed phase
pH value
Polycrystalline copper
Remanent magnetization
Saturation fields
Yayın Tarihi: Oca-2011
Yayıncı: Springer
Atıf: Alper, M. vd. (2009). "Electrodeposited cobalt films: Alteration caused by the electrolyte pH". Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 24(1-2), 801-804.
Özet: Cobalt (Co) films were electrodeposited on polycrystalline copper substrates at different pH values. It is observed that the crystal structure of the films converts from hexagonal close-packed (hcp) to a mixed phase of face centered cubic and hcp as the electrolyte pH decreases. The grain size calculated from the X-ray diffraction patterns decreases with the decrease of electrolyte pH. The surface of the films grown at a high pH is more uniform than that of the films grown at a low pH. The saturation magnetization and the coercivity decrease as the electrolyte pH decreases. The high coercivity value at high pH corresponds to the hcp crystal structure of the films as well as the large grain size of Co clusters. Magnetic measurements also reveal that the easy axis direction of magnetization is parallel to the film plane for all films since the higher remanent magnetization and lower saturation field are observed in parallel hysteresis loops.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-010-1018-z
ISSN: 1557-1939
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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