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Başlık: Influence of bull seminal plasma on post-thaw ram semen parameters and fertility
Yazarlar: Manolov, Ivan
Kaptan, Cüneyt
Akpınar, Latif
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Üreme ve Suni Tohumlama Anabilim Dalı.
Günay, Ülgen
Doğan, İbrahim
Nur, Zekariya
Sağırkaya, Hakan
Soylu, Mustafa Kemal
Anahtar kelimeler: Ram
Frozen semen
Bull seminal plasma
Liquid semen
Sperm membrane
Cervical insemination
Yayın Tarihi: 2006
Yayıncı: Natl Veterinary Research Inst
Atıf: Günay, Ü. vd. (2006). ''Influence of bull seminal plasma on post-thaw ram semen parameters and fertility''. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 50(4), 503-507.
Özet: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect Of the addition of 20% bull seminal plasma to semen extenders on post-thaw sperm motility, morphology, and fertility. Two Merino rains at 3-5 years of age, 43 ewes, and one Holstein bull were used. Fourteen ejaculates Were collected by the use of an artificial vagina, twice a day, at 60 min interval. Six semen ejaculates were extended with Tris-egg yolk extender containing 20% bull seminal plasma (TEY-BSP group), and 8 ejaculates were extended with Tris-egg yolk (TEY group), at a rate to obtain 150 x 10(6) spermatozoa/straw. The owes in oestrous were divided at random into two groups. Twenty-two ewes were inseminated with TEY-BSP and 21 ewes were inseminated with TEY. The mean percentage of motility, defected acrosome, and total morphological defect for the equilibrated and post-thaw semen parameters of the TEY, were 69.4%, 8.6%, and 17.0% and 42.8%, 49.9%, and 51.2%, respectively. The mean percentage of non-return rate (NRR) (n=43) was 30.2% and for the semen frozen with TEY-BSP (n=22) and TEY (n=21) - 31.8%, and 28.6%, respectively. There were no significant differences between TEY-BSP and TEY for NRR. In Conclusion, the addition of the bull seminal plasma to freezing extender has a Supportive effect on extended, equilibrated, and thawed semen. Moreover, the addition of bull seminal plasma to ram semen extender improved fertility.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/22662
ISSN: 0042-4870
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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