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Başlık: Qualitative and economic land suitability evaluation for tea (camellia sinensis L.) in sloping area of Guilan, Iran
Yazarlar: Foshtomi, Mitra Darvishi
Norouzi, Mehdi
Rezaei, Mojtaba
Akef, Mehdi
Akbarzadeh, Ali
Anahtar kelimeler: Land suitability
Qualitative and economic land evaluation
Yayın Tarihi: 2011
Yayıncı: Uludağ Üniversitesi
Atıf: Foshtomi, M. D. vd. (2011). "Qualitative and economic land suitability evaluation for tea (camellia sinensis L.) in sloping area of Guilan, Iran". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 5(15), 135-146.
Özet: In the present study and research work, land suitability evaluation (qualitative and economic classification) has been determined for tea in an area including 5000 ha in sloping lands of Guilan province in Iran. In the study area, eight soil series and three orders (Inceptisols, Entisols and Alfisols) were identified. The simple limitation method, the limitation method regarding number and intensity and the parametric methods including the Square root and the Storie methods were used for qualitative land suitability evaluation. Results of first and second methods showed similar marginally suitability classes (S3). According to these methods, the most important limiting factors were climate, topography and physical soil characteristics. Moreover, results of Storie method showed unsuitable condition for tea cultivation (N2), except one land unit, which had non-suitable but correctable conditions (N1). In addition, results of Square root method showed unsuitable condition for one and non-suitable conditions but correctable for six land units and just one land unit had marginally suitable land classes. Economic land suitability evaluation showed that four land units had marginally suitability, three land units had moderately suitability (S2), and only one of them had the highest class (S1) and the best gross benefits. Sloping area in Guilan used to be covered by forest, but regarding to the highly destruction of plant cover and deforestation in order to tea cultivation, an intensive erosion in the area is predict to happen in future.
URI: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/497546
ISSN: 1307-9530
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:2011 Cilt 5 Sayı 15

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