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Title: Endotoksemili köpeklerde izotonik, hipertonik ve hipertonik+ izotonik sodyum klorur solusyonlarının etkileri
Other Titles: Effects of isotonic, hypertonic and hypertonic+ isotonic sodium chloride solutions in dogs with edotoxemia
Authors: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
Batmaz, Hasan
Keywords: Hypertonic saline solution
Hipertonik sodyum klorür
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: Uludağ Üniversitesi
Citation: Batmaz, H. (1996). "Endotoksemili köpeklerde izotonik, hipertonik ve hipertonik+ izotonik sodyum klorur solusyonlarının etkileri". Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1-2-3), 113-127.
Abstract: In this study, effects of isotonic saline solution (JSS-0.9 %), hypertonic saline solution (HSS-7. 2 %) and HSS+ISS were compared in 15 dogs with endotoxemia, which had been formed experimentally. E. coli lypopolysaccarid (E. coli 055: B5-Difco) was given i.v. at a dose of0.3 mglkg in order to induce endotoxemia. After endotoxemia induced, first and second group of dogs receivediSS (32 mglkg, n=5), HSS (4 mllkg, n=5), respectively. In third group, ISS (1 5 mllkg) was given at 75th minutes following HSS (4 mllkg, n=5) administration. All dogs were examined for some parameters before experiment, just after being formed endotoxemia, and at 5th and 30th minutes, and 2nd, 6 th and 24 th hours during fluid therapy. Parameters examined were temperature, heart and respiration rate, capillary filling time (CFI'), quality of peripheral pulsation, hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte, MCV, MCH, MCHC, total leucocyte, thrombocyte, serum total protein, Na and Cl levels. In addition, plasma volume was also calculated using hematocrit and hemoglobin values. After administration of the solutions in all the groups, increasing in plasma volume, and improvement of the CFI' and quality of peripheral pulsation were observed. When compared with the other two groups, increasing in plasma volume, and shortening in CFI' together with improvement of peripheral pulsation quality (P < 0. 0 1) were determined in the HSS+ ISS group at the 2nd and 6th hours of the trial. After HSS and ISS administration in HSS +ISS group, increasing in Na concentration was determined (P < 0.001). Cl concentration increased following HSS administration in HSS (P < 0.01) and HSS+ISS (P < 0.05) groups. However, adverse, effect ofhypernatremi was not seen. It was determined that administration ofHSS at 118 rate of that oJISS showed similar effect to that of ISS. Finally, it was observed that HSS would be firstly used alone in order to regulate plasma volume and tissue perfusion in endotoxemia cases. In addition, it was also seen that isotonic crystalloid fluids could be used to maintain the effect of HSS.
Bu falcymada, deneysel endotoksemi oluşturulan 15 kopekte izotonik sodyum klorür - % 0.9 (ISS), hipertonik sodyum klorür - % 7. 2 (HSS) ve HSS+ISS solüsyonlarının etkileri karşılaştırıldı. Endotoksemi oluşturmak için köpeklere E. coli lipopolysaccarid (E. coli 055: B5- Difco)'i 0.3 mglkg dozunda i. v. yolla verildi. Endotoksemi oluşturulduktan sonra, birinci ve ikinci grup köpeklere sırasıyla ISS (32 mllkg, n=5), HSS (4 ml/kg, n=5) verildi. Ill. grupta HSS (4 mllkg, n=5) verildikten sonra 75. dakikada 15 mllkg ISS i. v. yolla uygulandı. Tüm kopekler deneme öncesi, endotoksemi oluştuğunda, sıvı verildikten sonraki 5. ve 30. dak. , 2., 6. ve 24. saatlerde bazz parametreler yönünden muayene edildi. Muayene edilen parametreler beden sıcaklıgı, kalp ve solunum frekansı, kapiller dolma zamanz, periferal nabzz kalitesi, hematokrit, hemoglobin, eritrosit, OAH, OAHb, OAHbK, totallokosit, trombosit ve serumda total protein, Na ve Cl miktarları idi. Ayrıca hematokrit ve hemoglobin degerlerinden plasma volümü hesaplandı.
ISSN: 1301-3173
Appears in Collections:1996 Cilt 15 Sayı 1-2-3

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