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Title: "Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!" The Jamaicanization of youth across 11 countries through reggae music?
Authors: Ferguson, Gail M.
Boer, Diana
Fischer, Ronald
Hanke, Katja
Ferreira, Maria Cristina
Gouveia, Valdiney V.
Chang, Andrew
Pilati, Ronaldo
Bond, Michael H.
Adams, Byron G.
Hernandez, Jimena de Garay
Atilano, Ma Luisa Gonzalez
Garcia, Luz Irene Moreno
Clobert, Magali
Prade, Claire
Saroglou, Vassilis
Zenger, Markus
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Psikoloji Bölümü.
Tekman, Hasan Gürkan
Keywords: Psychology
Remote acculturation
Music preferences
Emerging adults
Remote acculturation
Cultural distance
Reduce prejudice
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: Ferguson, G. M. vd. (2016). ""Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!" The Jamaicanization of youth across 11 countries through reggae music?". Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(4), 581-604.
Abstract: We investigated whether Reggae preferences are associated with similar values across cultures compared with its culture of originJamaica. Remote acculturation predicts that Reggae listeners across countries will share similar cultural values with Reggae listeners in Jamaica regardless of their cultural or geographical distance from the Caribbean island. We analyzed the correlations between preferences for Reggae music and Schwartz's 10 value types in university student samples from Jamaica and 11 other societies in Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia (total N = 2,561). In Jamaica, preferences for Reggae music were most strongly correlated with openness to change values and self-enhancement values. Across the other cultures, openness to change was the value dimension most strongly correlated with Reggae preference. Results also indicate some variations in Reggae's value associations and its similarity to the culture of origin. Reggae's value associations were more similar to Jamaica's in samples that are closer culturally in terms of Individualism/Collectivism scores, and closer geographically in terms of kilometers. In sum, results provide some support for remote value acculturation via Reggae listening across countries (i.e., Jamaicanization) moderated by cultural and geographical proximity.
Description: Bu çalışma, Reims[France]’düzenlenen 2014 Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
ISSN: 0022-0221
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