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Title: Characterization and classification of Alfisols developed in the karstic land of northwestern Turkey
Authors: Beck, B. F.
Herring, J. G.
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü.
Aydınalp, Cumhur
Keywords: Engineering
Water Resources
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: A. A. Balkema Publisher
Citation: Aydınalp, C. (2001). "Characterization and classification of Alfisols developed in the karstic land of northwestern Turkey". ed. BF Beck ve JG Herring. Geotechnical and Environmental Applications of Karst Geology and Hydrology, 61-65.
Abstract: Evolution of Alfisols in northwestern Turkey in genetically isolated pockets on concave landforms is a unique phenomenon. The objective was to investigate the properties and genesis of these Alfisols. These soils are developed on limestone parent materials of Tertiary age and are found alongside Inceptisols in the karstic landforms. The soils are largely a product of microtopographic differences, which modify distribution of water across the landscape. These soils are deep, show A-Bt-C horizons which are chromic and have strong argillic B horizons. Textures of surface horizons arc clay to clay loam, and subsurface textures are clay. The soils are slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The minerals identified are chlorite and illite and are the major minerals followed by a lesser amount of chlorite-smectite. Quartz and plagioclase feldspar are present in trace amounts in all horizons, The soils are allocated to the class of Typic Rhodoxeralfs. The concavity of land surface and Mediterranean type of climate facilitate argillic horizon development.
Description: Bu çalışma, 1-4 Nisan 2001 tarihlerinde Loisville[ABD]'de düzenlenen 8. Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karsts'da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
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