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Title: A successively refinable lossless image-coding algorithm
Authors: Nasir, Memon
Sankur, Bülent
Sayood, Khalid
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Avcıbaş, İsmail
Keywords: Embedded bit stream
Image compression
Loss-less compression
Near-lossless compression
Probability mass estimation
Successive refinement
Computer simulation
Image coding
Image reconstruction
Matrix algebra
Probability density function
Statistical methods
Embedded bit stream
Lossless compression
Near lossless compression
Probability mass estimation
Successive refinement
Image compression
Issue Date: Mar-2005
Publisher: IEEE-INTS Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc
Citation: Avcıbaş, İ. vd. (2005). "A successively refinable lossless image-coding algorithm". IEEE Transactions on Communications, 53(3), 445-452.
Abstract: We present a compression technique that provides progressive transmission as well as lossless and near-lossless compression in a single framework. The proposed technique produces a bit stream that results in a progressive, and ultimately lossless, reconstruction of an image similar to what one can obtain with a reversible wavelet codec. In addition, the proposed scheme provides near-lossless reconstruction with respect to a given bound, after decoding of each layer of the successively refinable bit stream. We formulate the image data-compression problem as one of successively relining the probability density function (pdf) estimate of each pixel. Within this framework, restricting the region of support of the estimated pdf to a fixed size interval then results in near-lossless reconstruction. We address the context-selection problem, as well as pdf-estimation methods based on context data at any pass. Experimental results for both lossless and near-lossless cases indicate that the proposed compression scheme, that innovatively combines lossless, near-lossless, and progressive coding attributes, gives competitive performance in comparison with state-of-the-art compression schemes.
ISSN: 0090-6778
Appears in Collections:Scopus
Web of Science

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