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dc.contributor.advisorEğri, Sadettin-
dc.contributor.authorSaiyaf, Hasan-
dc.identifier.citationSaiyaf, H. (2018). Mehâsinü'l-Edeb (İnceleme-metin). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractXVI. yüzyıl Osmanlı devrinin usta şair ve yazarlarından olan Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî'nin kaleme aldığı son derece mühim eserlerinden biri de Mehâsinü'l-Edeb'dir. Bu eserinde, Mustafa Âlî, devrin siyasî anlayışı ve sosyal durumunu ele almıştır. Eser hem siyasî hem de ahlâkî özellikler gösterir. Âlî, Kayseri ilinin sancak beyi iken bu kitabı yazıp Sadrazam Damad İbrahim Paşa'ya sundu. Eser, ünlü Arap edib Câhiz'in Minhâcü's-Sülûk ilâ Adâbı Sohbeti'l-Mülûk adlı eserinden bazı yerleri çıkarılarak hazırlanmış ve dönemin siyasî ve sosyal durumuna göre gerekli bazı ilavelerin yapılması suretiyle yazılmış bir tercümesidir. Daha sonraki yıllarda Mehâsinü'l-Edeb adlı eser, İstanbul'da doğmuş ünlü divan şairlerinden olan Osmanzâde Tâib (ö. 1724) tarafından özetlenmiştir. Âdet, hâlet, ülfet, işret, himmet ve hikmet gibi konuları içeren bu eser toplam on beş fasıldan oluşmaktadır.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractMehasinu'l-Edeb is considered to be one of the most important works of Mustafa Ali of Gallipoli. An eminent poet and writer of 16th century Ottoman Era. In this book, Mustafa Ali has taken social conditions and political viewpoint of his times to reflect upon. The work depicts both, the political and the ethical characteristics. Ali wrote this book during his governorship of Kyseri province and tributed to garand vizier İbrahim Pasha. The work has been prepared by taking some of the influencial portions of reknowned Arab litterateur Cahiz's Minhacu's-Suluk ila Adabi sohbeti'l-Muluk, a translation which was authored with some additions in accordance with the social and political conditions of that time. In later years, a critical summary of Mehasinu'l-Edeb was written by one of the prominent Divan poets of İstanbul origin, Osmanzade Taib (died in 1724). The work is divided into 15 chapters, containing subjects such as; custom, conditions, festivities, courage and wisdom.Mehasinu'l-Edeb is considered to be one of the most important works of Mustafa Ali of Gallipoli. An eminent poet and writer of 16th century Ottoman Era. In this book, Mustafa Ali has taken social conditions and political viewpoint of his times to reflect upon. The work depicts both, the political and the ethical characteristics. Ali wrote this book during his governorship of Kyseri province and tributed to garand vizier İbrahim Pasha. The work has been prepared by taking some of the influencial portions of reknowned Arab litterateur Cahiz's Minhacu's-Suluk ila Adabi sohbeti'l-Muluk, a translation which was authored with some additions in accordance with the social and political conditions of that time. In later years, a critical summary of Mehasinu'l-Edeb was written by one of the prominent Divan poets of İstanbul origin, Osmanzade Taib (died in 1724). The work is divided into 15 chapters, containing subjects such as; custom, conditions, festivities, courage and wisdom.en_US
dc.format.extentVI, 248 sayfatr_TR
dc.publisherUludağ Üniversitesitr_TR
dc.rightsAtıf 4.0 Uluslararasıtr_TR
dc.subjectGelibolulu Âlîtr_TR
dc.subjectPolicy manualen_US
dc.subjectAli of Gallipolien_US
dc.subjectCustoms and habitsen_US
dc.titleMehâsinü'l-Edeb (İnceleme-metin)tr_TR
dc.title.alternativeMehasinu'l-Edeb (Analyse-text)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentUludağ Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı/Eski Türk Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı.tr_TR
Appears in Collections:Sosyal Bilimler Yüksek Lisans Tezleri / Master Degree

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